THE Sacraments are sacred rites through which God draws close to humankind, offering the gift of divine life and strengthening the bonds of faith. The Sacrament of Holy Communion, or the Mass, is regularly celebrated at St Michael and All Saints. In it, bread and wine are consecrated and become the Body and Blood of Christ, which the faithful receive in Holy Communion. Holy Communion is also brought to the sick and housebound who cannot be present. This Sacrament is the source and summit of the Christian life, uniting us with Christ’s sacrifice and nourishing the soul.
Other Sacraments mark key moments in the journey of faith: Baptism, Confirmation, Confession, Marriage, Anointing, and Christian Burial. These are offered at St Michael and All Saints at specific times in people’s lives, revealing God’s enduring presence and love in moments of joy and need.
BAPTISM is open to everyone, at any age—whether as a child or later in life. It is the Christian rite of initiation, marking the beginning of a lifelong journey of faith. In this Sacrament, sins are washed away, and through water and the Holy Spirit, a person is united with Christ and welcomed into the Church.
After Baptism, many seek to deepen their commitment to Christ and the Church. For those baptised as children, Confirmation offers the opportunity to embrace the promises made on their behalf. The Bishop, through prayer and the laying on of hands, calls on the Holy Spirit to strengthen and nurture their growth as disciples of Christ.
For those who have been baptised or confirmed in the past but feel called to revisit their faith, the Church offers Affirmation. In this liturgy, the promises of Baptism are renewed, giving thanks for God’s enduring grace and reaffirming a commitment to the Christian life.
THE Sacrament of Reconciliation, often called Confession, is a time to acknowledge failings, seek forgiveness, and experience God’s mercy. It brings peace, healing, and a fresh start.
In Confession, a person speaks with a priest, sharing the ways they have fallen short and seeking God’s forgiveness. The priest may offer guidance or counsel, and when appropriate, pronounce absolution—declaring, in the name of Christ, that sins are forgiven. Many find this a source of freedom and strength.
Priests at St Michael and All Saints are available to hear confessions and are happy to arrange a time that is convenient. For those new to the Sacrament, guidance can be provided on how to prepare and make a good confession.
MARRIAGE is a lifelong union between two people, blessed by God and reflecting the love of Christ for the Church. The Sacrament of Marriage offers strength and grace to live out this commitment faithfully.
A church wedding is a sacred and joyful occasion where couples exchange vows before God and their loved ones. The liturgy includes Scripture readings, prayers, and blessings, and may also incorporate a Mass. The priest prays for God’s strength and guidance in the couple’s shared life together.
Couples preparing for marriage meet with a priest to discuss the service and reflect on the spiritual significance of this Sacrament. St Michael and All Saints welcomes all kinds of couples, including same-sex couples and those previously married. For those in a civil marriage or partnership, a church blessing is also available, to celebrate the union within the context of faith.
THE Sacrament of Anointing is given to those who are ill, facing surgery, or nearing the end of life. Through prayer and anointing with holy oil, it offers comfort, healing, and the assurance of God’s presence.
This Sacrament may take place at home, in hospital, or in church, and can be arranged by contacting the clergy. It is often accompanied by other prayers, and when appropriate, the Sacrament of Holy Communion.
CHRISTIAN Burial entrusts the departed to God with prayers of hope and thanksgiving. It offers comfort to those who grieve, grounded in the promise of resurrection and eternal life.
THE Sacraments are offered to people of every background, story, and situation. St Michael and All Saints welcomes all who wish to experience God’s presence and grace. If you are curious or would like to learn more, please get in touch.
Sunday • 10:30 High Mass
A service with choral music, organ, incense, bells, and elaborate ritual Read more →
Wednesday • 11:00 Low Mass (Lady Chapel)
First Saturday of each month • 12:30 Rosary Mass
ST Michael and All Saints invites you to mark some of the most significant moments of the liturgical year with special services featuring glorious music from one of the finest choirs in the city, vibrant Anglo-Catholic liturgy, and preaching that speaks to the heart. These services are true highlights of the calendar, offering excellent opportunities for reflection and celebration. Whether you’re a frequent attendee or joining for a special occasion, these events are sure to inspire.
Take time to reflect this Lent through an evening of readings and music that showcases the qualities of this soul-searching season. It’s an invitation to pause, listen, and be still.
One of the most dramatic and moving evenings of the year, Maundy Thursday takes you from the intimacy of the Last Supper to the stark moment of abandonment. As the story unfolds, the powerful liturgy, accompanied by exquisite music, will draw you into a profound and unforgettable experience.
In a fast-paced world, this Three-Hour Vigil invites you to slow down. Experience the day’s depth through powerful readings, thought-provoking preaching, moving music, and moments of silence for reflection.
Celebrate new beginnings. Just when the sun has vanished, a sacred mystery unfolds: a light shines in darkness. This uplifting tradition brings hope and celebrates the joy of resurrection.
Mark the moment when a wind of change swept through the world, igniting the Christian movement. This celebration of Pentecost embraces new possibilities with fiery music. Afterwards, enjoy a reception in the Cloisters Bar next door.
A concert within the Octave of Corpus Christi celebrates devotion to the Blessed Sacrament through music. Experience moving settings of devotional texts alongside stirring organ compositions. This journey through themes of faith offers profound contemplation of the sacred mysteries.
Celebrate Marian devotion in the inimitable Anglo-Catholic tradition, featuring flower petals, processions, and the grandest of grand choral music. The concluding service of Edinburgh’s Festival of the Sacred Arts offers a moment to be inspired.
Embrace the beauty of Catholic ritual, no matter your tradition. Slip on some proverbial lace for the occasion and join a fabulous Come-and-Sing event. A full choir rehearsal precedes the service. Sign up online to participate.
Enter the season of Advent through a dramatic and awe-inspiring service, filled with candlelight, stirring choral music, and readings, drawing all who attend into a profound sense of waiting and wonder.
Celebrate the Christmas story through the beloved Service of Nine Lessons and Carols. Scripture readings and carols recount the journey from creation to the birth of Christ. The service, accompanied by exceptional choral music, offers a moment of reflection, joy, and a deep connection to the true meaning of Christmas.
Listen to recent sermons and reflections.
‘A Reasonable Temptation’ • Sermon preached by the Revd Oliver Brewer-Lennon on the 1st Sunday of Lent (Luke 4:1-13)
‘More than great television’ • Sermon preached by the Revd Oliver Brewer-Lennon on Ash Wednesday (Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21)
‘The Beatitudes aren’t reassuring’ • Sermon preached by the Revd Oliver Brewer-Lennon on the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Luke 6:17-26)
‘Presbyopia’ • Sermon preached by the Revd Oliver Brewer-Lennon on the Presentation of the Lord (Luke 2.22-40)
‘Whose story is it?’ • Sermon preached by the Revd Oliver Brewer-Lennon on the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Luke 4.14-21)
‘How to be a holy family’ • Sermon preached by the Revd Oliver Brewer-Lennon on the Feast of the Holy Family (Luke 2:41-52)
‘Christmas Clickbait’ • Sermon preached by the Revd Oliver Brewer-Lennon on Christmas Day 2024 (Luke 2:1-14)
‘His eyes—how they twinkled!’ • Sermon preached by the Revd Oliver Brewer-Lennon at Midnight Mass 2024 (John 1:1-14)